Unreleased Photos, Behind The Scenes & Random Thoughts

Posts tagged “#street

Mobile Home

Here’s an image I shot a few weeks ago of a man walking a bike with what appears to be all of his personal belongings? It was created by shooting through the window of a moving car along a busy street.

HL Biker 1 blog

The Streets In Color

A small collection of random sights in the downtown Columbus area specifically focusing on colors, shadows and reflections.

Puddle Reflection 1 blog

Light Through The Window 1 blog

Flag In The Wind 1 blog

Alley Stuff 1 blog

Construction Guys 2 blog

Fancy Clothes 1 blog

Poor Sad Dog 1b blog

Secret Squirrel 1 blog

Branch Shadows 1 blog

Block Party

Here are a few of my favorite random shots from the old school block party in the downtown area a few weeks ago. I walked around quite a bit despite the intense heat but, these photos are from a relatively stationary position allowing the people to walk into my frame. In essence I let them to create some of the photos for me.

Street Life

You Can Never Know What It’s Like To Live On These Streets Until You’re Forced To Survive On Them!

-Robert N. Jones

street life for blog

The cold, deadly Illinois streets

Shadow Skater

I took my son out recently to practice riding his new skateboard. This should prove to be a very interesting process. Stay tuned to find out what happens…

shadow skater

shadow skater 2

Right Now: Good Colorful Morning

On my way to take my son to school and I’m greeted by these beauties! Have a great morning everyone!

colorful mornin blog 3

colorful mornin blog 2

colorful mornin blog 4

School Daze

Taking my daughter to the bus everyday at 6am. Unfortunately being the true night owl that I am I usually go to bed on average between 3am-5am. Now do the math. Needles to say, I’m always very tired! It’s way too early to be up….but it’s for my baby.

school daze

The Dog Days Of Winter

2 weekends ago the weather was absolutely perfect so I decided to take a trip downtown. I hadn’t been downtown in months, but specifically since I returned home from Illinois. As the sun started to set I noticed a growing amount of dog walkers out, probably more than I’ve ever seen at this time of the year. Although I had my camera, my intention was to shoot nature this time around, not people or pets. The light from the setting sun created a slew of cool photographic opportunities so naturally I had to snap a few shots of the friendly people and their pets. I have to admit that I was conflicted because of the weather. Normally I would have shot far more frames but, I enjoyed the temperature so much that for once I didn’t want to shoot as much as I just wanted to relax. Below are a few of the photos from this wonderful day. If only the weather were always this mild…I’d probably stay out every single day from sunrise to sunset! Hopefully this spring will actually feel like spring and not summer so I can get out more and meet more cool people.

dog walker 1

dog walkers 7

dog walker 5

dog walker 4

dog walker 3

dog walker 2

Laying Back In The Cut

On the frozen winter streets of Joliet, IL a few weeks ago I captured this shot of my Uncle Fred and one of his best friends doing what so many of us in the urban neighborhoods do, either hitting a few blocks with our friends or, chilling in the car listening to music. As you can see they were more than happy to give me the shot. This was the last picture I took before hitting the road back to Georgia.

Laying Back In The Cut


Halloween in downtown Columbus, 2014. Lots of kids, people, costumes, candy, fun, food, a 5k race, and good music!

Captain America

Ballon Maker

Officer Greene

The Devil

Wolfman Text

Panama Jack


race 8

race 7 copy

race 1 copy

race 2 copy

race 3 copy

race 4 copy

race 5 copy

race 6 copy

band 4 copy

band 8 copy

band 3 copy

band 6 copy

band 10 copy

band 7 copy

band 9 copy

costume 12 copy

costume 1

costume 2 copy

costume 5 copy

costume 7 copy

costume 8 copy

costume 3 copy

costume 4 copy

band 2 copy

band 12 copy

costume 6 copy

costume 9 copy

costume 10 copy

costume 11

Early Morning Fog #2

For the second morning in row a thick layer of fog engulfs my neighborhood, so I decided to drive around to try and capture a few shots of it. Unfortunately the photos really don’t convey the actual denseness of the fog. In real time it was impossible to to see directly in front of you. Everything was almost completely opaque for about 2 hours. Although it is certainly a safety hazard, and can be an inconvenience, there’s something beautiful and mysterious about fog that captures my attention whenever it occurs. I’ve always been fascinated with it’s hazy, blanketing effect. I’ll keep trying to document it for as long as it happens. We’ll see what takes place tomorrow morning and the rest of the week? Stay tuned…

Driving Through The Fog 1

Early Morning Fog 6

Early Morning Fog 2

Early Morning Fog 3

Early Morning Fog 5

Early Morning Fog 4

Riding On Faith

Last winter my son and I were walking around downtown when we ran across a homeless man that we see often. He walked up to me and asked if I had any change so that he could fix his bike’s flat tire. I gave him what I had, he thanked me and walked away. Later on that day I saw his bike further down the street lying on the ground with a tire missing, so I stood next to it to keep an eye on it while also changing the lens on my camera. A few seconds later the gentleman emerged from a local store with tire in hand and sat down to fix his damaged inner tube. I finished attaching my lens, glanced up for a second and noticed the wonderful angle at which he held the tire in relation to his face. I instictively fired off a few shots. Not wanting to be totally rude I immediately stopped and asked the man if it was ok to take a few more shots to which he politely obliged.

He talked to me the entire time I shot him, telling me about his life, family and how he ended up living on the street. He was very intelligent and well spoken. I felt bad for him due to his unfortunate circumstances but, especially after he relvealed to me that he was also suffering from cancer. He explained that years ago doctors told him that he only had a little while to live but, here he still was, alive and well enough to talk about it. He told me about his very deep belief in God despite everything that he’s been through and how he firmly believes this is the reason why he’s still here today. After a few minutes he was able to repair the flat in his tire and told me he was off to try and find food. Surprisingly I found some more money in my upper jacket pocket, handed it to him and told him I hope it helps? He said a prayer for me. Then thanked me, not just for the money but for taking the time to stop and talk with him, and then he rode away. Whenever I’m in the downtown area I still see him. If I can catch his attention or get close enough to him I always try stop to speak with him.

This encounter reaffirmed my belief that not all homeless people are “bums” as we too often so callously refer to them. Every person really does have a story to tell, sometimes we just need to pay enough attention to listen to it.

(This is the first time that I can actually share these images because most of them were previously withheld for publication)









Feeling Like A Kid Again #2

Here’s another image taken from my March post on bike riding, plus a group of men riding bikes similar to the big wheels toys we use to ride as children, and how much fun it can be.

feel like a kid again 2

The Drama Outside My Window

I awaken one morning to the sound of the local garbage men hurrying to collect the trash as very ugly storm clouds gather right outside my bedroom window.

the drama outside my window

Admission To Amazing

Hello everyone. Unfortunately I’ve been sick all week with the flu, and today I only feel slightly better but, I wanted to share a pic I shot while at the city fair last month. Of course I shot many pics and I will share more over time but for now I need to go take more meds and rest. Peace.

Amazing Admission Blog

The Bowman

Good early morning! Today I’d like to share with you an image of the famous “Bowman” sculpture in downtown Chicago taken during my trip back home in July. The iconic piece is located on Congress Drive and Michigan Avenue in Grant ParkChicago. The sculptures were made in Zagreb by Croatian sculptor Ivan Meštrović. In this particular shot you can also clearly see the Congress Hotel in background as well as the birds perched atop the statue. Look closely and you’ll see how the birds have taken it upon themselves to ensure that the Bowman needs a good cleaning very soon! I cannot stress how much fun it was just walking around and shooting all the wonderful monuments located all around Chicago, and I’m very excited to update my blog with more images from this most recent trip. Until next time. Enjoy!

The World Famous Bowman Statue & Congress Hotel

The World Famous Bowman Statue & Congress Hotel

The Guardian

A pigeon appears to be watching over a homeless man at a Chicago train station.

The Guardian For Blog

Fine Dining?

Hello world! Happy Friday to everyone! Today I’d like to share a photo I shot while back home in Chicago. It was just a McDonald’s but, it was the one of the fanciest McDonalds I’d had ever been in! It was funny because, until I saw the golden arches I actually thought it was high end restaurant. Anyway, I truly enjoyed my time home, it was MUCH needed!!! I took TONS of pictures that I will be adding to my blog and I can’t wait until I can go back! Maybe to stay??? We’ll see….

Fine Dining?