Unreleased Photos, Behind The Scenes & Random Thoughts

Archive for August, 2016

Celebrity Portraits Part #2

Part 2 of my celebrity portrait series taken at Madame Tussauds of Las Vegas.


(Please click on each photo to enlarge)

snoop 1 mt

michael 1 mt

stevie 1 mt

whitney 1 mt

bruno 1 mt

gwen 1 mt

larry 1 mt

evil knievel 1 mt

joe 1 mt

heff 1 mt

oscar 1b mt

Celebrity Portraits Part #1

It’s been a little while since my last full post so I wanted to sit down and share a series of portraitsΒ IΒ shot last year while in Las Vegas. Not only was it my first time visiting Las Vegas, but it was also my very first time visiting Madame Tussaud’s world famous exhibition. There was a long line of people waiting to get in and I was eager to finally see what all the fuss was about. Once inside I was extremely impressed with how life-like and realistic each figure was. Everyone for the most part completely resembled their real life counterpart, so it was almost like meeting the actual person. Of course everyone was taking photos, so it would have been very easy for me to simply take tourist photos with my phone like the majority of people. I wanted to do something a little different, something to make my experience more memorable. So instead I decided to dig my pro camera out of the bag, get real close, and shoot a series of head-shots. After I finished I realized that each Madame Tussaud’s location has a totally different lineup of celebrities, so I think it would be totally interesting to visit each exhibition all over the world to capture the entire collection.

I ended up shooting so many images I had to divide the photos into separate posts. Below is part #1

(Click on each photo for a larger view)

brad 1 mt

angelina 1 mt

craig 1mt

george 1 mt

bruce 2 mt

johnny 1 mt

matthew 1 mt


marilyn 1 mt

oprah 1 mt

wayne 1 mt