Unreleased Photos, Behind The Scenes & Random Thoughts

Posts tagged “#shadows

Random Adventures In Monochrome

A few snapshots from my most recent travels.

Photo Of The Year

Although the year is not quite over, I’ve chosen my favorite photo from this year.

2022 has been a great year for me in terms of creating. I have a ton of beautiful images that I can choose from at any given moment. But this particular image stands out in my mind as one of the most beautiful and meaningful that I’ve made this year. This photo of my daughter is proof that not every image we create needs to have a complex backstory to be important.

So, the story of this photo is extremely simple and straight forward. My daughter was trying on her new scarves. As she was coming down the stairs, I was on my way up the stairs. I saw how the light was hitting her face, so I asked her to stand there while I go grab my camera. I came back within a second or two and made the photo. I made a few frames just for the sake of variety, but ultimately this is the one that really spoke to me. That’s it. Easy right?

As you can see, sometimes the most simple, unassuming, moments can make for some of our greatest, or, most favorite work.

Don’t be afraid of “regular” moments. Often times they are overlooked, but totally beautiful. As long as you have a camera to record what you see, you will always be able to create something special.

Old Town

Some color & black and white street shots from Old Town 2017.

Lights Out!

As a photographer light is the most important element to creating images. Through photography I’ve gained a better understanding of light, and the importance of light. Light is something that we all need, the critical source for our very sight, but also a power that we all take for granted. We’re usually unconcerned with how much we appreciate having light, until it is taken away from us. We’re also unconcerned with how difficult our daily tasks would be without it, until we have to try and function without it. Such is the case with the following example.

It seems that whenever it rains near my house the power goes out. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter if it’s a heavy or light rain. I’m not sure what the technical issues are for this particular area or house? But never the less, it’s still a pain to deal with regularly! Power outages are never convenient, but they’re especially inconvenient when you’re right in the middle of preparing dinner! I was preparing dinner for my daughter and I when suddenly all of the power went out. Thankfully the food was almost done, and the oven retained enough heat to finish cooking even without the power. This was the second power outage we’ve experienced in less than 3 weeks time. In fairness, these outages tend to only last a few hours at worst, but on a hot summer night, or a cold winter night they can be brutal. The images that I’d like to share are of my daughter as she tries to enjoy her dinner despite the darkness.

These unedited photos were intended to capture some of the frustration of dealing with a lack of light while doing something important. All of the photos were lit by the flashlight from my iPhone, as well as a single candle that I found. The light that I provided my daughter was not included as a way to expose the photographs, but rather to assist her in finishing dinner. The idea of photographing her was a complete afterthought.

(Please click on each photo for larger view)

Wide Awake

For years I’ve awakened to the soft neon glow of this particular alarm clock.

This photo gives you a personal, yet very misleading look into my life. It says a lot about my daily sleeping habits. You see, some days this is when I wake up, while on other days this is when I go to sleep. There are many causes for such a sporadic pattern of sleep, mostly work, which I’m certain other creative individuals can absolutely relate to.

Having an active mind full of ideas can keep you up all night, cause you to wake up early in the morning, or disrupt you at any moment in between. It’s this same creative surge that can fuel your passion, while also draining your spirit. Being an artist of any kind is never easy. It can be a constant battle within yourself to outwardly express what you see and feel inside. Creativity can cause you to become a habitual dreamer incapable of manifesting ideas into reality, living totally inside your own mind. Or it can cause you insomnia from constantly trying to artistically execute your thoughts in your physical life. This never ending traffic of mind games is mentally exhausting! If you’re like me, and have been battling your entire life, you already know that eventually it will catch up to you physically.

This is where I currently stand. Growing older and finding it increasingly difficult to find ways to win these internal battles. To find a steady balance. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being an artist! I love being someone who can see things that others cannot. I love having the ability to create something out of nothing. Or being able to take something that exists and provide a unique re-interpetation from my own perspective. I truly believe it is a gift from God. I just wish that this gift didn’t have to come with burden of this curse wrapped around it.

The Streets In Color

A small collection of random sights in the downtown Columbus area specifically focusing on colors, shadows and reflections.

Puddle Reflection 1 blog

Light Through The Window 1 blog

Flag In The Wind 1 blog

Alley Stuff 1 blog

Construction Guys 2 blog

Fancy Clothes 1 blog

Poor Sad Dog 1b blog

Secret Squirrel 1 blog

Branch Shadows 1 blog

Riding On Sunshine

I love the deep shadows of the late evening sun. This shot was taken in downtown Columbus last weekend near the river.

riding on sunshine

Same Area Different Results Part #1

Whitewater, Downtown Columbus

My sign is Cancer, a water sign, so I love water. I especially love the sound of water. Unfortunately I can’t swim in it but I can’t deny the calming effects water has on me. I’m also from a “Windy City” so I enjoy wind as well. One thing I feel I never have enough of living in Georgia is a consistent cool breeze. So whenever I’m feeling low or need a break I usually go downtown near the water. There I can get my fix of both wind and water with the added bonus of meeting new people that I can also photograph.

Normally I don’t like to shoot in the same places over and over again because I get bored with repetition very easily. I’m the type of person that needs to explore and find something new to do with myself constantly in order to truly feel challenged. But, there is value in shooting in the same areas repeatedly because, the same areas can yield totally different results on different days, or in some cases different results during different times of the day. The photos that I will be sharing over the next few weeks will represent this theory of shooting in the same area at random times and days to see what the resulting images will be.

Here is part #1

(As always, please click on the photos for a larger view)

For Grandpa

I Can’t Begin To Tell You How Difficult And Surreal It Is To See A Man That Signified Strength And Toughness My Entire Life Reduced To Such A Helpless State. However, The Amazing Revelation Is, Despite His Crippling Illness He Symbolizes Strength And Toughness Even More So Now! Fighting Parkinson’s Disease For 32 Years Is A Heroic Triumph. Although I’m Sadden That My Grandfather Has Been Stricken With This Affliction My Faith Is Renewed In Bearing Witness To His Warrior’s Spirit. He Is A True Fighter. I Can Only Hope That Maybe Some Of His Strength And Resiliency Lives Inside Of Me. You Are My Inspiration! I Proudly Carry Your Name. I Love You Old Man!!!

grandpa bed 1 blog

The Dog Days Of Winter

2 weekends ago the weather was absolutely perfect so I decided to take a trip downtown. I hadn’t been downtown in months, but specifically since I returned home from Illinois. As the sun started to set I noticed a growing amount of dog walkers out, probably more than I’ve ever seen at this time of the year. Although I had my camera, my intention was to shoot nature this time around, not people or pets. The light from the setting sun created a slew of cool photographic opportunities so naturally I had to snap a few shots of the friendly people and their pets. I have to admit that I was conflicted because of the weather. Normally I would have shot far more frames but, I enjoyed the temperature so much that for once I didn’t want to shoot as much as I just wanted to relax. Below are a few of the photos from this wonderful day. If only the weather were always this mild…I’d probably stay out every single day from sunrise to sunset! Hopefully this spring will actually feel like spring and not summer so I can get out more and meet more cool people.

dog walker 1

dog walkers 7

dog walker 5

dog walker 4

dog walker 3

dog walker 2

American Photographer

Closeups of a photographer working the streets of downtown Columbus during the Veterans’s Day parade.

Cameras & Flag 2

Cameras & Flags 1

Running On Shadows

Jogging along the river.

the runner

January & February Adventures

Good evening! It’s been a while since I’ve added anything new but, that’s because I’ve been quite busy lately. Right now I’d like to share just a few random images from some of my outings during the end of last month up until recently. Included is everything from, the out of the ordinary snowstorm that hit Georgia, to an older man who looks like a motorcycle rider preparing to surf in the cold river, to my photo excursion with my Aunt Robin, my son sleeping, and my neighbor walking her dogs. I have lots of new pictures that I’ve been working on very hard to share with everyone. I hope to have them up soon. Until then, I hope you enjoy!

snow mobile

snowy snowy night

snowy snowy night 3

Footsteps In The Dark

Tree, Snow, Shadow

Rebel Rafter

Knocked Out 1b

Dog Walker 1 For Blog

Dog Walker 2 For Blog


Night Surfin’

A young man dives into freezing cold waters to catch a wave as night falls onto downtown Columbus.

night surfing


Evening Shell

I noticed this very tiny shell in my driveway while walking back from my mailbox. I took out my phone to shoot it but, the shell was so tiny I had to lay on the ground to get close enough. I thought that it was interesting because, despite only being about as big as a grain of sand, from it’s position on the ground the light from the setting sun hit it just right to expose the many fine details. I love discovering things that would typically go completely unnoticed.

Evening Shell

Time To Go Home

Kayakers, couples and families call it a day as they head for the exit at the local white water rafting park.

time to go home

Walking Through The City

Good morning to everyone! I wanted to quickly share this shot taken back in July in downtown Chicago.  It’s a pretty straight forward shot, people walking up and down a very long sidewalk, but I liked the light and shadows present so I decided to post it. It was an extremely hot day, I was drenched in sweat and feeling dehydrated but, being back home and walking around a city like downtown Chicago is absolutely exhilarating!!! Even when you’re dragging your exhausted family around with you (I’m sure they’ll love that) the city gives you life. The city and it’s people totally inspire as well as motivate you to become active. There are wonderful photo opportunities literally EVERYWHERE!!!! This place is a photographers dream!!! I could go on and on about Chicago but I’ll end it here for now. More photos to come very soon. Enjoy!

The Long Walk Through The City 1