Unreleased Photos, Behind The Scenes & Random Thoughts

Posts tagged “#childphotography

Happy Birthday To My Prince!!!

I’d like to wish my son a very happy 14th birthday! I love you with all my heart!!!!

Prince Nas 85 Test 2

Happy Birthday Ana!!!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful and talented niece!!! I love you!!!

Banana 2


The more my son ages the more I see him as a miniature version of myself. He is starting to become a direct reflection of me as a teenager. Watching this transformation as both a parent and observer is quite amazing…it entrigues me, while making me happy and sad at the same time. I’m very curious as to how much more we will have in common and how much he will differ from me as he grows into an adult and fully develops his own personality? I will continue to try and document this process in the hopes that he will someday look back at it all with his own children and appreciate my effort to catalogue his development as a person created in my own image.

Nas Board Sit 1

The Agony Of Defeat

A little girls cries to her mother as her team loses it’s first soccer game.

agony of defeat

What You Talkin Bout?!

One of the signature faces I’ve grown accustom to seeing on a regular basis over the years. This little girl has so much character it’s ridiculous!!!

dayah face 1


More of the many faces of Dayah.

dayah surprised face copy

Interrupting My Drink

Dayah looking perplexed or angry as she sips her drink in the intense summer heat. I love all of her many facial expressions. Taken 4 years ago during her first photo-shoot.

dayah taking a drink copy

Young Mike Flashback

Here’s a flashback to 2010 when my son wanted to wear his hair curly in honor of his favorite performer, Michael Jackson. I can’t believe how young he looked here! Or even that this pic is now 4 years old!!!

lil nas curl


Sybreena tries her best to give me a smile even though I’m clearly interrupting her game of make believe.

sybreena fake smile for blog



Baby Adayah having lots of fun swinging in the summer wind. Taken 4 years ago!


Happy Blogging Anniversary To Me!!!!

It’s hard to believe I started this blog 3 years ago! I’m so proud of myself for sticking with it because, I really enjoy doing it. It’s also very hard to believe that I started this blog 3 years ago with this little lady. She was so tiny back then and now she’s such a big girl! Time is really flying by!!!

tasha face 1


Discovering buried treasure

A beautiful bird’s feather

Imaginary eye glasses

See who runs fastest

Loud animal sounds

Playful angry frowns

The frightening zombie child

The wide bright smile

My imagination is great

My freedom, my joy, my escape

Ashawna outside playing in the yard using her imagination to have fun. Remember when you were a child and that’s all you really needed to have a good time?


Zombie Girl

Glass Eyes

A Feather

Running Uphill


Digging Dirt

what is this?

Evil Smile

My Sister & Me

Two adorable little sisters using their imagination to have fun playing outside on a cool, windy spring afternoon.

bad girls

sybrenna crazy face


bag girl blowin

sybrenna wild hair


making food

sybrenna face

sybrenna ground

sybrenna side eye

No Pictures Please!

An oldie of my son. He doesn’t always like for me to take his picture.

Hiding My Face

Dayah’s Birthday Party

I hope everyone is enjoying their new year so far? I had the honor of attending my little friend’s birthday party last night. I really enjoyed seeing her and her family. She had fun, and she even let me get a few shots. Here are just a few pics from the festivities.

Cupacke Nose Classic

The Bubble Maker

The Look Of Surprise

Dress Up kit

bubble blower

Happy Birthday Adayah!!!

I just want to take time out to say Happy Birthday to the little lady that I started this blog with over 2 years ago, Ms. Adayah Chambers. I can’t believe how much time has passed since her mom first introduced me to her! She’s so big now, plus she’s starting to look more and more like her Mom everyday. Wow…time is really flying!!!

Dayah Birthday 2013