Unreleased Photos, Behind The Scenes & Random Thoughts

Archive for June, 2024

Finding Peace Within The Past

Having moved away from my hometown almost 20 year ago, going back has always been bittersweet. The past 10 years have been especially difficult as more family and friends have passed away. Each time I go back there’s less and less people to see. 

Usually I’ll try to visit with as many people as I can, and often avoid certain parts of the city. One of the areas I’ve avoided throughout the years is my old neighborhood. Sure, I’ve driven through it, but never really stopped to give it my full attention. The simplest explanation is, it was just too painful to relive all of the memories that were created there. I have to be honest though, this time was different. Even though I was home twice within a span of 2 weeks for the worst possible reasons, to attend the funerals of 2 of my beloved Uncles, being back actually felt good again. 

In some unexplainable way, it felt good to actually get out of my car, walk around, and witness all of the changes to the place that helped raise me. In the midst of all these changes, some things were surprisingly still the same. 

The photos I’ve included represent both the past and the present. For instance, my Uncle Joe still lives there, and it was an absolute pleasure to spend time with him again. I’d forgotten just how funny he is! Next, my grandparent’s home, my favorite place ever!!! This was the place where I could find the most peace and refuge from the chaos of the outside world. Then there’s my family’s old house on Francis Street. This is where I spent the majority of my childhood. This is the home in which I grew from a child into a young adult. And lastly, my best friend Rodney’s house. His family’s home shared a yard with my grandparents. I spent many years hanging out with him and his family at this house. I can’t tell you how amazing it was to have my family and friends living in such close proximity to me. 

Directly across the street is the park which served as another home for all the neighborhood children. For many of us it was also our sanctuary. It’s where we went to escape the constant rules of our parents, and be free to be ourselves. A place to play, laugh, talk, eat, exercise, or just chill.

As I walked around I felt a connection to my home that I haven’t felt in years. It’s as if the spirits of the past were reassuring me that things would be ok? That no matter where I live, this place will always be my home. 🥹🏠❤️

A portrait of me and my Uncle Joe.
My Grandparent’s home.
My best friend Rodney’s home.
My childhood home.